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Plant Rental with Care


Plant rental to companies is our flagship service.  One that we have been offering for more than 20 years and that has countless satisfied customers.  Some have been with us for all of those two decades. And we are happy and proud about this. 

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Why Go with Plant Rental 

  • You eliminate the high initial investment in plants
  • You can write the cost off against your taxes
  • You get a beautiful and healthier work environment without any hassles
  • And with a quality guarantee on the plants
  • You can change the number of plants at any time
  • You can also rent framed moss, art or a Naava air purifier

Fast and Transparent Proposal 

Invite us for an appointment and we will prepare for you a transparent offer along with pictures of your selected plants, normally within two days.  We can prepare a simple visualisation for you to help you visualize the result.  For example, in your reception area or conference room.  You will immediately see the aesthetic benefits that plants provide indoors.

Fast Installation

We have a wide range of products and can combine them perfectly.  This is why we can do your installation quickly and efficiely .  And we do this without disruption in your office.  We are not even detered by atypical installations.  We actually enjoy challenges.

Everywhere in the Czech Republic

We will take care of your plants wherever you are based.  We have employees in major cities across the country so that when you need us we are there for you.  We will water, fertilize your plants, and take care of any other maintenance required to keep your office plants healthy, beautiful, and strong.

Plants Will Save You Money

We know this from experience and scientific studies back it up. Plants in interior spaces benefit employee health, reduce fatigue, and promote productivity at work.  Use our calculator to see the approximate price of rental and the financial savings that a green environment can bring you. 

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Ficus lyrata in Vlněna Office Park Brno
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Dracaena Pure Storage offices
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Scindapsus in Pure Storage offices, atypical container
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Ficus lyrata, Praga Studios offices
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Dracaena and Fern in an atypical pot, Pure Storage offices
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Restaurant premises of the CPI network hotel
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Tall design containers planted with Asplenium
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Atypical solution of greenery in Adidas Czech Republic offices
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Ficus Alii with long, slender leaves of darker green color
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Group of plants in Office Park Vlněna
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Group of plants in Office Park Vlněna
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Euphorbia Kunsthalle bistro
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Ficus elastica Kunsthalle bistro
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Araucaria Kunsthalle bistro
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Highly decorative Monstera
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Ficus in an atypical pot


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Plzeňský Prazdroj reference

Plzeňský Prazdroj is an excellent beer and a piece of the history of our country. We are glad to be a part of it.

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Doosan reference

Doosan are a bit of a excavators. The excavators are close to the concrete. That's why we chose flower pots in a concrete design.
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References from Nestlé Česko, Nespresso Division

The design of the newly renovated premises of the Nespresso boutique in Westfield Chodov also included two moss walls with stabilized plants, which further enhances the unique style of the premium capsule coffee sales space.
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Discover the new green home of the Czech News Center in the “Hagibor 01” building

The light literally dances through this modern interior, the abundance of greenery surrounds you at every turn and the wide range of interior colours and furnishings create a harmony that inspires. This is the reality of the new “Hagibor 01” building in Prague's Strašnice district, which has been occupied since 2024 by the “Czech News Center”, one of the largest media houses in Central Europe. 

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ADP reference

We always feel good when we take care of the customer for really long years. It confirms that we are doing a good job.

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You will also receive E-BOOK OF PRACTICAL ADVICE for growing interior plants. (Czech language only)

Information about the processing of the personal data of customers and potential customers of JUNGLE INTERIORS, s.r.o., a corporation having its registered office at Prague 5, Mahenova 9/181, ID No. 26454327, registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, section C, entry 83348, can be found HERE