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Artistic bridges between nature and man from the workshop of young talents from Hollarka

Last month, we decided to support the art of young artists of the new generation within the CONTINUUM project and their created extravagant works of art made of stabilized moss. The aim of the project is to reach a wider public and show that art can be both modern and environmentally sensitive. In a rapidly changing urban space, bio-art, green art, and interactive work with plants play a crucial role - not only as a reflection of climate and ecological change, but also as a challenge to society and the artists themselves.
Artistic bridges between nature and man from the workshop of young talents from Hollarka

The CONTINUUM project, supported by the European Commission, aims to open up these themes, highlighting the cultural value of cities while contributing to addressing environmental issues. One of the greatest challenges of contemporary art is precisely the search for innovative bridges between the plant world and the visual arts. To strengthen the awareness of the importance of the relationship between man and nature.

Therefore, through an open call, we selected two talented young artists, students of graphic design at the “Hollarka Secondary School of Art” in Prague, who have created unique moss installations. We would like to introduce Matouš and Jan Mirena.

Matthew and his work "GROWTH"

A unique work of art that captures the perfect irregularity of nature. The spines of the sculpture extend into space in such a way that it gives an almost living impression, even though its shape does not resemble anything we would know from our world. The fascinating thing about this sculpture is that it reveals a completely different face from every angle, so that everyone can find their own story or meaning in it.

Jan Mirena and his work "CORNER"

Corner is an installation that brings a unique view of nature to the viewer and invites reflection. The imperfect shape, bordered by sharp geometry, symbolizes the clash between nature and human intervention. The abstract silver elements express the influence of man on nature, while the iron rays, aggressively stabbed into the greenery, evoke the power with which we change the world around us. The mirror that is part of the work then provides the viewer with a space for self-reflection - forcing us to consider our own role in this endless dialogue between man and nature.

These projects connect stabilized green mosses, promote social interaction, and bring new opportunities to connect the urban environment with its inhabitants.

Come and see these impressive works with a deeper idea in Building IV on the premises of the “Braník Brewery” and discover the magic of stabilized moss in creative renditions by artists of the younger generation.

"Corner" is located directly in the lower atrium near the elevator and " Growth " on the 2nd floor near the entrance to our company.



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