Tour of the new green facilities of the IT leader NNIT in the new office centre Na Knížecí

Anyone who enters the brand new NNIT Na Knížecí headquarters in Prague's Smichov district cannot miss the presence of green plants at every turn. Whether it's the individual plants that decorate the interior offices or the large plant beds built into the furniture sets in the open spaces. These green jewels not only add aesthetic value to their offices, but also help create a healthier and more pleasant working environment.
Step into a bright and spacious office and you'll immediately be surrounded by the freshness and energy by the plants spread that surround you. The presence of nature indoors has an undeniable impact on the human psyche. Employees feel more relaxed, creative, and productive in such an environment. No wonder then that NNIT has bet on this green revolution in the design of its new headquarters.
The elegant plant, Croton Petra, towers majestically next to the work desk, bringing a little bit of nature into the hectic workday with its large leaves. Its rich colours of greens, yellows, oranges, and reds catch the eye of anyone who enters.
The plant, Monstera Obliqua, is considered by many to be the "holy grail" of monsteras. Unlike its more famous cousin, it features delicate, almost lacy leaves that look as if they were carved by an artist.
The large beds separating the individual work stations and rest areas are planted with the popular and highly decorative Zamioculcas Raven, Sansevieria Laurentii, various cultivars of Aglaonema: Golden Bay, White, and Christina.
Schefflera Compacta is the epitome of elegance and unpretentiousness. It is an ideal choice for darker spaces as it adapts well to low light conditions.
One of Dracaena Fragrance's greatest charms is its ability to purify the air. NASA has even put it on the list of plants that can remove toxins from the air such as formaldehyde, benzene and trichloroethylene. Imagine having a small, green natural air purifier in your office that works non-stop to make you feel better.
This symbiosis of nature and modern architecture is no accident. The selection of plants was carefully designed by our experts who considered the overall space and the lighting conditions, the humidity, and the microclimate.
Bright beautiful spaces along with our expert regular maintenance care will ensure that the plants not only survive, but thrive in the future.
The story of this green oasis began with the initial interior design plans when the architects and designers decided to integrate natural elements right into the heart of the workspace. Every detail has been considered, from the choice of pots, to the placement of individual plants. The result is a harmonious blend of modern design and natural beauty that catches the eye at first sight.
The green living plants are not just a decoration but also have become an essential part of working life at the new NNIT headquarters. They enliven the space, improve the air quality, and bring a little bit of nature into the daily hustle and bustle of work. This step towards a sustainable and healthy work environment is an inspiration to other companies looking for ways to create a more pleasant and productive workplace for their employees.
So if you're considering how to improve your work environment, taking inspiration from NNIT and its green headquarters in Prague's Smíchov district may be the right step. All it takes is a bit of greenery and your workspace can be transformed beyond recognition.
Take the first step today!