The new green Microsoft offices
The design and preparation of the project took place in cooperation with the architectural firm, Studio S.H.S Architects, and the company RTC Czech, which found comprehensive solutions for the new premises tailored to the client´s needs.
The task for us was to design and implement a green jungle which would bring a piece of living nature to their modern offices and create a more pleasant atmosphere and environment for their employees. These challenges for us are a dream job.
Almost 300 plants were used on the entire second floor of the Delta building. Our star implementation team really did excellent work, for which they deserve a big compliment. The next floor currently is in process and the green implementation will take place during the month of June.
Clusters of different variety of plants in different sizes are used in the private cell areas. Climbing plants are planted with the furniture partitions. You will find individual plants at almost every step.
Extraordinary state of the art NAAVA air purifiers are located in the refreshment and meeting zone.
You haven't heard about these new green walls yet?
The benefits of NAAVA:
- Effect of 6000 plants on an area of 2 m2
- The system of the future controlled by artificial intelligence
- Fully automated source of natural and healthy air
- A vertical garden that improves the environment
- Biophilic design
- The effect and power of nature
The whole project is dominated by modern plant containers
- Simple style
- Velvety matt appearance of concrete
- Different shapes and sizes
- Gray, sand and white color, some of them on the wooden legs
The diversity and number of species of plants used will ensure the effect of the green jungle
- Monstera
- Scindapsus
- Ficus Amstel King
- Philodendron different species
- Epipremnum
- Lepismium Houlletianum Hanger
- Caryota Mitis
- Lepismium Bolivianum Hanger
- Ficus Cyathistipula
- Ficus Microcarpa 'Moclame'
- Zamioculcas
- Pleomele (Dracaena) Reflexa
- Dieffenbachia 'Vesuvius' Bush
- Aglaonema 'Silver Moon' Tuft
- Sansevieria masoniana 'Dragon' Tuft
- Caryota mitis Bush
- Rhapis excelsa Tuft
Professional care
We provide regularly scheduled professional plant care for both the NAAVA walls and all of individual plants to maintain them in perfect condition.