New premises of the green Veolia café and co-working center in the modern Florentinum building

In the autumn of this year, Veolia opened a new brand “HUB” in the modern Florentinum centre with a vegetarian bistro, gallery, and co-working centre. What is important here is SUSTAINABILITY, and the fullfillment of the 4R philosophy: Rethink, Recycle, Reuse, Reduce – the four steps for change, which is reflected in the overall approach of the interior design and their café menu. They were inspired by “La Recyclerie”, a Parisian alternative business in Paris that was built with the support of Veolia in the area of an old railway station and now functions as a bistro with local products, an eco-centre, and a meeting place.
TOP project of this year
The entire project was a great challenge for us in terms of employing unique planters with waterproofing inserts in the shapes of curves, and also involving the logistics and handling of a huge amount of Vulcaponic stones for planting the plants alongside the Florentinum building in the city centre. The same conditions applied to for fulfilling the wishes of Veolia, which required the visualizations idea for the Czech landscape, and also the architects from “Studio Perspektiv”, who designed the effect of a botanical garden.
Project assignment:
- The aim was to green the entire area
- The name of premisses is “Less” because less is sometimes more, this is to remind people the forest is an ecosystem threatened by our current climate crisis
- During the preparation of the project, we were familiar with the topics - Sustainability, Social responsibility, Climate protection
- Create a jungle effect with the plants in the bays along the façade
- Turning corporate business offices into interior both ecology and sustainability
A number of people from the client side, the architects, construction personnel, suppliers of the waterproofing inserts, carpenters, and irrigation workers participated in the project. The entire project was coordinated for a very successful implementation, and handover on the required time schedule, which was the task of our sales representative, Magdalena. It must be said that she handled it brilliantly. Similarly, the entire implementation team headed by Teamleader, Radek, deserves great credit for the successful implementation of this highly unusual realization of interior plants.
Plant species used in meanders up to 2 meters high:
- FICUS binnendijckii Amstel King
- Dracaena surculosa Tuft
- Schefflera arboricola
- Ficus cyathistipula Tuft
- Nephrolepis Green Lady
- Chamaedorea metallica Bush
- Schefflera actinophylla
- Araucaria
- Aspidistra Elatior
- Zamioculcas
- Nephrolepis Green Lady
- Chamaedorea metallica Bush
In the dividing walls, called “Dancing walls” was use 60 climbing pendulous plants Scindapsus aureum and golden pothos, which will grow over time and create a great mobile element to shield different parts of the space.
We provide regular maintenance for this entire green jungle.
Stop on your way to the city centre for a good coffee and something healthy to eat.