FTMO office premises in the Prague Quadrio

In the beginning of this year, they moved to the new premises in the Quadrio office building on Národní street. Thanks to our installation of greenery, we created a healthy and pleasant working environment for their business.
Offices full of young people from all over the world come together in a modern, playful spirit environment, and live greenery definitely belongs there.
The chillout and dining areas are dominated with a green island of highly decorative Monster plants. Currently, the very popular Sanseviers are used in a number of places and thus dominate the entire realization. Different types of Dracaenas are used in the built-in furniture dividing the work zones in the open spaces.
Our great team of Magdaléna Lazarova for the business side, and Tereza Kafková for the installation side, both deserve beautiful credit. Thank you.